Almost all cell phone insurance companies in the market so far have some time limits during which you can purchase an insurance cover from them. This in many cases is the time frame when the new cell phone is still under warranty from the shop that you bought it. Should you fail to apply for the cell phone insurance during this window of warranty, than a number of companies will reject any applications for cell phone insurance filled after the said date.
This condition has kept a good number of cell phone insurance seekers away and left them using their cell phones with the hope that nothing bad will happen since the terms related to getting a cell phone insurance cover are according to them already technical barriers to the cell phone insurance policy that they would have loved to have. This however should never be a hindrance especially when dealing with go-tronics cell phone insurance covers.
At go-tronics, the cell phone insurance cover is not limited by the duration of time you take to come for the cell phone insurance cover, instead the company is only keen on verifying that the cell phone is still in its perfect working condition and shape. With the full knowledge that a number of cell phone users may also not have purchased their cell phones first hand, it has come to the attention of go-tronics that all these cell phones regardless of how the owners acquired them need some kind of cell phone insurance cover.
As a result, the go-tronics cell phone insurance cover takes into consideration the fact that you might get your cell phone as a gift from a friend who may have upgraded their handset or as a used item sold to you at a lower price among other factors. It is this reasoning that has informed the company’s decision to provide cell phone insurance to all cell phones as long as they are 100% in good working condition so as not to deny any potential cell phone insurance cover seekers the chance to get cell phone insurance.
Cell phones purchased from places such as eBay and other similar places have lots of problems being accepted for cell phone insurance cover. This is because a good number of cell phone insurance companies consider them as used items without any warranty and as such cannot accept any risks by providing cell phone insurance cover for such.
In reality, the main concern for any body seeking cell phone insurance should be the assurance that his/her working cell phone will continue to serve him/her and should some accidental damage occur to it, there is a way of cushioning against such instances. This should also be the basis of argument when the cell phone insurance company decides to give cell phone insurance cover.
It is therefore not very important to know how old your cell phone is or where and when you bought it as long as you have a perfectly working cell phone and you can pay the cell phone insurance premiums demanded by the company. After all, when the cell phone gets damaged it has to cost something to repair regardless of how new or old it might have been. For visit cell phone insurance
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